[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

@Hippolytus increase my WiM please

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Heads up guys theres a good chance i cant be visited, i cant be invested, i get a special invest result or i come back as evil based on a passive.

It doesnt describe the passive but the name of it strongly suggests something along those lines^

/vote Nerbins

wolfy as hell tone

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I agree

Whats the evil name btw?

acronym plz?

Wants It More - Motivation

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Nerbins might be the claimvig that’s a 3p and that’s why my ability failed?

In either case, lynching him helps us here.
/vote Nerbins

Idk, i literally just have a passive with no description but the name of it suggests it affects invests on me or maybe just visitors in general.

Not any of my abilities have descriptions so if i accidentally vig you my bad.


Now thats a clown fiesta

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Rereading my one ability I have a real funny idea, that I can use it for. Ooh I cant wait for night

Yeah, lynch Nerbins and don’t forget to give me cred for this bus, since I started the wagon.

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/vote Nerbins

Actually I changed to sulit, but VC didn’t register that.

Your ability is too good to be true, it’d probably always fail.

/vote Nerbins
Unofficial Datbird VC

Voted Votees Votes
Nerbins Hippo, Ici, Kyo, Astand, Datbird 5/11
Simon Nerbins 1/11

This is a troll game, don’t forget.

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Or I’m third party. My night ability is called ‘Rebound’.
I’ll give you thoughts on what that does.

Official Geyde VC

Accused Voters Votes
Nerbins Hippo, Ici, Kyo, Astand, Datbird 5/11
Simon Nerbins 1/11
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I agree that it’s too powerful for town. Way too powerful. Third party though?

What is your wincon?