[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

oh ok I skimmed that and must of missed that, and idk ur power, I cana barely understand ur description

Don’t worry, I’ve also got a night ability that is similar to my day except I can target myself. Ha. Jokes on the claimvig.

How exactly does it work

:man_shrugging: he explained it earlier, not that it makes seense to me

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Alright, let me explain it again.

If a town member is to be lynched I believe I can choose to overturn it. If I overturn to a town and the person who was originally being lynched was town they get lynched anyway and my overturn fails. If the person who is being lynched is mafia and the person I overturn to is town my overturn fails.
If the person who is being lynched is town and I overturn to a mafia the overturn is successful.

so all that spews is that Nerbins is town since it wasnt successful

I used my gladiate again through magic so get those votes on sulit

Or simon is mafia and my overturn failed.

I agree with astand and Hij that Nerbins is looking like a good push.

/vote Nerbins

From what i gathered from what u said
mafia-town fails
mafia-mafia- idk
town-mafia works

So it failed that means Nerbins is town with an uncertainty on Simon

Yes. Nerbins is town. Unless someone’s ability caused mine to fail, in which case he is potentially mafia.
Mafia-mafia would fail as the person being originally lynched wouldn’t be town.

Only way Nerbins isn’t town here is if it’s a mafia > mafia overturn. Or someone else caused my ability to fail.

so then Nerbins is up in the air also then.

Btw im a bit sus of the ppl who say they arent sure if theyre town cuz my card is pretty unambiguous about it.

Death to neuts :hugs:

yeah my clearly says Society and I aint in no chat, so like how dont u know ur allignment or ur wincon

I don’t think killing people who don’t know their alignment would be a good idea considering I have an ability that can overturn town > mafia.

Okay. Lunch is almost over and I just finished reading through the thread. It’s clearly Simon. It’s obvious he’s mafia, you should vote him instead of wasting your time with me.
Besides, if Kaz’s thing was empowered I’d probably be dead if I was mafia. But then again so should Simon so I’m not mafia. I really have to go now.
/vote Simon

@sulit Hja gladiated you come in and defend yourself so we can vote

Whys it Simon?

Oh also, I believe it’d fail if either player was a third party.