[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Everyone and their mother omgus’ here so I hardly sr it anymore.

What a time ey.

I thought he said it was fake

Pr0v3 t0 m3 that y0u kn0w 1’m 1y1ng.

Quote Jake’s first posts
That’ll be proof enough I think

B3s1d3s, Datb1rd was 0n3 0f th3 p30pl3 wh0 ca113d m3 scum f0r mak1ng a j0k3.

i mean he may have and i missed it, but i believe he said something aligning with what im saying now

not really that hard but i’d prefer it if your last few posts were a bit more helpful instead of just memeing : P

I dont have to, i’ll just hang you and if you want to save yourself you can stop lying.

You are most likely lying cuz ur scum, possibly 3rd party.

Please tell me how many abilities you have.

…yeah, not liking Nerbins’ rolefish here.

? 0r ar3 y0u g0nna 1gn0r3 th1s

Why exactly would that help you sort his alignment?

i do agree that ici may be scum covering for luxy but astand’s check ended up not to be targeting luxy and not an actual check but did reveal information (to the best of my knowledge bc 3 ppl gave me semi differing answers?)

He made it up


I dont mind it, its pretty blatant I doubt hed have the balls to straight up ask if he was looking for claim vig targets.

N0w, 1’m n0t say1ng 1 am, but what 1f 1 was T01 f001?

so it’s really a red chcek on luxy then (???)

When did I do this?

I think they said they didn’t investigate Luxy with it. I might be wrong though

nah im just illiterate carry on