[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

I will only disregard if geyde says i must.

it most likely doesnt tell him his alignment or the stance in this game in any explicit sense
much like mine
he may not know that red = bad most of the time

How do you know gamers have red color.

assuming gamer card is red that is
yall will probably say thats a slip but whatever, it was just an assumption on my part

From looking at the OP it looks like this isn’t a true multiball as we have 3ps and the Gamers. At most we have the Gamers and a SK. Uni pretty much confessed to be a Gamer so I don’t think you’re in the main pack together with him. At worst you’re a SK but I kind of doubt it as you’re pretty villagery here.

i would like to point out that wasnt in direct response to this because theres no way i had time to type it. i posted less than 15 seconds after this post i dont type that fast

I think it was kai who claimed there was another scumfaction, he cant say the name though.

i.e. so i must have already been typing it when astand posted

I believe this, dont worry.

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Is he talking about the 3p’s or is there an actual scum faction aside from the Gamers?

Alice, I was also a little surprised you didnt do an engagement read on me or whatever instead.

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I thin simon testing proved it was not 3p.

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According to Geyde, these were the three factions. Unless Kai basically has knowledge of some super secret 4th faction I think this is basically just a single wolf team with a SK at most.

I’ll probs read people independently as well regardless of flips so we don’t end up losing to a SK that got wrongly cleared by pushing on a Gamer.

its entirely possible to have a 4th faction, the wording of the OP doesnt exclude it
it lables those 3 as factions yes, but it doesnt label things that arent those 3 as not factions, so to speak

Well, I think there’s one NK, or maybe neutral evil

I also told him before the game not to mention he was my friend until after

/vote sulit
They still haven’t posted


@Geyde when does day end?

Accused Voters Votes
Simon BenShapiro, Kai_5, BlueStorm 3/11
Astand Jake 1/11
JaketheWolfie Hippolytus 1/11
Icibalus MaximusPrime, Luxy 2/11
Sulit H_Hja 1/11

It’s 10:46 PM my time, so ping me if any mistakes