[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

You’re third party though

Was that bullet yesterday yours as well that you attempted to shoot someone with?

I wasn’t here yesterday but

That’s literally impossible. I am not third party. Derp has already claimed the only third party.

See i knew kyo was neutral lol

That was HS flavor bullet, I think

Impossible. I’m society.

You’re win con’s third party

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Kyo each third party got their own daychat

No it isn’t. I’ve already claimed that my wincon is not to help the SCP, but my abilities heavily revolve around it.

someone make a poll on if I should ITA 1. Universal or whoever the scum is 2. [REDACTED] or 3. Kyo

Idk my abils dont have descriptions

  1. It’s going to fail.

I mean Flavor is not alignment indicative, so

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Oh shit


It doesn’t matter if you vote Universal. His ITA is going to fail on them as they aren’t an SCP.

Verbatim Boss’s wincon

Even if I am a secret 3p that’s a town aligned wincon.