[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

You know your alignment?

Unless it’s lying

Simon, you can’t mention someone by speaking (or writing), correct?

I really wanna ITA Kyo now

No don’t do that

It’s not lying.

Derp if you do


Do it, I dare you Derp

Kill Uni

what, according to him it wont work

It won’t work. Your ITA only affects SCPs.

Just shoot Uni

He doesn’t know for sure kill Uni

Uni might have scp flavor for all we know, worth a shot.

fine ill shoot uni when the window opens. Its not guaranteed on anyone as iv said before, just a very high chance that it hits

Bro i didnt answer you for like an hour cuz i was busy and not on, dont @ me like im ignoring ur question.

Sounds like you’re trying to cover for yourself if you fail

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Wait, whose ITA only affects SCPs? What am I missing here?

Exxacttlyyy. Thank god people realise this.