[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

To give info

What kind of info? Say, if I will vote you right now how will you react?

Yeah, I am sure Jake have post restrictions

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It gives info how person reacts and is very important since it gives content to work from start

Also you have voted day 1 in your town games only game you haven’t voted day 1 in wich that was an option was your scp scum game

You haven’t answered my other question

I wouldn’t reply to your vote

Or asked why

That’s NAI

Thanks, that’s a lot of information

I d0 hav3 p0st r3stricti0ns, and if I d0n’t f0ll0w th3m, I will b3 punish3d. Right n0w I can’t us3 my day ability b3caus3 0f that.

No it’s not

Oh look what I just found!

Scum do that much more often and especially in your case since you have meta of that it’s not NAI

So if I vote you right now I will be out of my scum meta?

I g3t a fr33 pass 3v3ry day. A, as in 0n3.


You have 2 post with no post restrictions

No because you would do that only after I pointed it out

You replied almost with same thing in your scumgame

So if you got punished, does this mean you don’t need to talk like that today?