[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

N0, it’s lik3 l3v3ls 0f punishm3nt. Aft3r s0m3 am0unt 0f failur3, I will b3 unabl3 t0 talk.

I am trying to point out how that doesn’t prove my faction at all but ok

Vote sulit with me

@JakeTheWolfie 2 post

3xplain why I sh0uld.

Because he is scum

Does the post restriction mean you have to use 3’s and 0’s instead of e’s and o’s?

I alr3ady 3xplain3d I can’t us3 my day ability, and I g3t a fr33 pass 3v3ry day/night cycl3.

And gladiated

B3cause y0u have n0 0ther ch0ice.

Magnus, Jake already broke his post restrictions according to his claim

Not necessarily.
Besides, we can’t vote him.

Since you have already broke it what’s the point of doing it now?

I was t0ld that I had t0 r3plac3 tw0 v0w3ls with anything 3ls3.

anything else?


It’s lik3 b3ing sh0t by a gun, y0u want t0 minimiz3 damag3s 0r 3ls3 bad things happ3n.

You get shot, you’re dead.
Unless bulletproof.

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Hey Researcher Boss!

What’s the worse punishment? Unable to talk?