I am 049
You can confirm
Go commit acid bath
I was t0ld 0nly t0 r3v3al what y0u guys f0und 0ut by y0urs3lv3s
D3ath. But that 0nly happ3ns aft3r th3 s3c0nd t0 last punishm3nt.
Was you being punished also what we found out
Yeah… This is kinda weird
Ssh it’s agaunst rules for me to ask that
Breaks Vent.
Go call 148! Oh wait; you can’t.
I asked it.
You have already been converted
I’m death-proof get rekted
Death-proof but not convert-proof
I kn0w this s0unds crazy, but I’m 0nly all0w3d t0 r3v3al th0s3 that I’v3 r3ach3d. 3xc3pt th3 final 0n3. Mainly b3caus3 I w0uld b3 m0dkill3d anyway.
He didn’t find out you need to reveal all wovels