[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!


I saved Ici by the way. You’re welcome.


/vote Evil Ginger


Too late.

You are dead tomorrow.

Absolutely not.

Dammit kyo you gonna make me never wanna play a game with you again.

Hammer was already reached. Shut

Accused Voters Votes
DatBirdStorm MaximusPrime, Evil_Ginger, Icibalus, KyoDaz 4/4

DatbirdStorm was…

Archmage Antonidas

Society Mage
Aha! (Passive) - Whenever you cast a spell, Fireball will gain one use.

Fireball (Day) - Kill a player. - 0 Uses
Magic Trick (Day) - [SPELL] Choose between three 1-shot abilities provided by the mod. You will be able to choose one to give either to yourself or to another player. These may potentially be spells. - Infinite Uses
BP Cop (Day) - Determine how many bulletproof vests someone has. Results are always accurate. - 1 Use

Open the Waygate (Night) - Jailkeep a player. - 2 Uses

Defeat all who would threaten Society.

1 Like

Day 6 has ended and will end in 12 hours or whenever everyone wants it to end early

MaximusPrime died last night…

Saronite Chain Gang

Society 1 player, 2 slots
How long must this go on? (Passive) - You are in control of two slots, your own and [REDACTED]. Both slots have this passive, the ability to vote, and no abilities.

Defeat all who would threaten Society.

Day 7 has started and will end in 36 hours or when hammer is reached. Majority is 3.


Can we not skip an entire day while I’m sleeping :man_facepalming:

Sorry. What are your results?

Ginger is Garrosh Hellscream, aligned with Society.

Oh lovely. I’ve just sent in a very interesting image which should end the game. Hopefully.

In our neighborhood chat PKR slipped by contradicting something their partner said to accuse me.

Spill the beans then