[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Ici said that they gained information in their classcard from PKR that there was a total of two scum in our neighborhood chat (PKR being one, everyone except Datbird and Ici are in it).
PKR said previously that we were correct to follow the four wagons on Hja, ect. (Which is why I shivved Hja)
Ici then said the information I stated previously in this paragraph that I’m ‘confirmed scum’ if Storm flips village.
PKR then went and reassured us that it’s a 50/50 between me and Gamer (last ones alive out of the four wagons). So they basically just slipped and disproved Ici’s statement.

I meant not except, Datbird and Ici are in it and everyone else is not.

So Ici is Pkr’s scumbud?

Its really unlucky to rand your death possesion on your scummate

PKR supposedly got converted to Ici’s wincon after they got shot by them. It’s honestly a bit confusing. I left Astand to that because I had no idea what they were talking about, especially with the image coding.

Or maybe he picked his scummate to ‘clear’ them I suppose

Is the possession random or picked?

It was because Ici shot them.

My theory for the no kills at N5 as well is that Storm said they protected Ici (Jailkeep) but they actually roleblocked them and stopped them from killing. I’ll post the images I posted earlier in our chat.

img2 img3 img4

I think it was customer service that managed to repair my classcard as well. I can use my ability but it’s once every cycle rather than day/night cycle.

I mean it would make sense

Maybe pkr/ici did the shot for towncred/bussing. Considering Jake had the worst scumgame I’ve ever seen with faking a Pr it would make sense, especially shooting through my green check.

Does your check see the wincondition, or just alignment btw?

Alignment and Flavour name

Ok I’m here

Ofc right when borderlands 3 launches too

I think the last scum alive is society aligned. I don’t think we should clear Evil just yet, though he’s not going to be the lynch today. Only way we clear Evil here is if their theory of Magnus being previously society aligned and when they joined scum chat they turned gamer then it’s true. I don’t believe it though. I think he was always a gamer.

Just to inform ya Luxy Kyo also said that Ici was the one that pushed for the quick lynch. Especially when he asked for two votes and voted on a L2 hammer. I honestly dont trust either of them. Who did u check the past two nights?

You two nights ago, Ginger last night

So u know good

You’re aligned with Society, but I feel like everyone is at this point as the last scum is probs society aligned.

That or Hja switched teams when lost wolfed to real wolf and we have a gamer left. Its unclear on that front but yeah it’s either one gamer or one wolf in society