[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

I picked Nerbins. Apparently I broke the gallows and the day and night were needed to repair it.

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Well I can’t overturn today due to fatigue so happy days. :confused:

I would have preferred you waited especially with how busted your ability is (hindsight is 20/20 I know). Planning it out could have been used, but we cant use it til day 3 I guess.

Doesn’t it mean Simon is evil as my ability failed?

If Simon was town he should have been lynched since my ability dictates that if the player is town and I select a town player the original person on the gallows will be hung.

didnt u say to me earlier that it was the second person u picked?

doesnt that spew Nerbins as town. Or do i still not understand ur ability

I don’t think even I understand it.

I believe it means as Simon was not hung my ability failed, meaning he’s evil. It doesn’t mean Nerbins is town though as the ability failed.
If Simon was hung instead it would mean Nerbins was town though.

I just realized that this reset my gladiate

ur gladiate didnt work, I could still place votes on others

Hij I hate that you are actually good at FM when you try but I just never see it lol



Wait you used that ability on simon in my gladiate

Or maybe since spell powers are empowered on Parlor it denied Simon being lynched as town?


I used the ability on Nerbins. It indirectly affects Simon since he had the highest votes.

It says spell powers are empowered on Parlor (the map)
Is my power considered a spell?

P sure theres gonna be a claimvig or something rip