[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

There is no red check. Astand reaction tested me with that red check.

Did they just do it again

Did anyone else see Uni typing like a second ago? It’s not my phone, right?

This makes sense, actually. If both Luxy/Ici are W/W then I can’t really see them both in the wolf team from how Ici’s interactions played out since this is a multiball game.

Reminder that if your reaction test doesn’t test for reactions then it’s just shitposting.

Well it did get a reaction from me lol

Uni, you’re in the clear today, you can’t be voted anymore. PLEASE say something

confusion is confusion, not fake surprise and i can use as many ? as i want

how the fuck is using 3 ?s AI

First off, SOMEONE FROM NORTH KOREA IS HERE AWESOME! And honestly I am not sure yet as to who is who. I am trying to keep up with the thread in terms of posts atm. If anyone wants to question me they can do so.

Anyone seem sus to you? And did you make the votes on you go away?

Why the hell did you say nothing earlier

I am new to this game so I am not entirely sure how to check when votes are on me or not


Read from here

Like whack-a-mole

Ok, I am just overwhelmed a bit. School is starting for me and I have been spending it trying to prepare

Well Geyde the host posts the vote count every once in awhile. And is anyone looking suspicious to you?

That wasn’t directed at you, that was for Alice.

Uni, do you have the word “gamer” in your rolecard?

Well, we got that reaction from Ici, so yeah, it did accomplish something other than just bring confusion to the thread.

Ici’s defence of me, going after Nerbins, when apparently he toneread me as scum 6ish hours earlier is very weird considering astand supposedly had a red check on me.

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