[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Do it

Kai_5 has died


Society Mechanics Oracle

Speedwagon Foundation (Passive) - Every night you will be informed about a piece of information regarding the game. This includes n0
Ogre Street Gang (Passive) - Fake ITAs are enabled starting d2 as long as you are alive. Claiming that there are fake ITAs will count as a full claim for the purposes of claimvig effects.

Exciting ability name (Night) - If the target player is investigated, you will gain a copy of their results. - Infinite Uses

Defeat all who would threaten Society.

PokemonKidRyan has replaced in for JaketheWolfie.

Yo guys, so there’s a lot that’s gone on from what I can see

I’ve generally seen that HS related flavours have a lot of shenanigans.
Universal was a spy in his scumteam, sorta helping us.
Other flavours are a lot more tamed in comparison.

Also Kai said Claimvig was dead but soon afterwards died and their rolecard reveals that when they claimed about the ITA window being fake that was enough of a claim for Kai to count as fullclaim for claim-vig like effects.

I’d like to be the first to propose there may be another claim vig. I’m also sure I’m probably not the only person here who thinks this due to the fact that Kai suddenly died after claiming. Either way I see the kill coming from scum.

@Geyde how much longer is left in this ITA window.
(FTR I’m not going to actually shoot because Kai did say it was fake, but this is just to be sure)


ITA window has ceased to exist

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Seems good, now I can just wait for the actual ITA phase.
It’s been months since I’ve experienced one.

@Luxy @Emilia do not do participate in circus please, no tests are needed.

As for copypasta, I wouldn’t as you are the only reliable invest left.

Probably true.

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Dammit I really want a reward

it specifically says 1 claimvig

i feel like kai died more bc of saying the copypasta that luxy baited more than another claimvig

Ive seen this sort of scum role in mashes all too often - agree to a condition and get a reward, except you get a negative thing on you for agreeing and scum gets the reward.

kai said he had a neighborizer tho so i guess he didn’t?

Isn’t this game like a bit bastard though?
I saw a couple of flips and wasn’t like Universal gamer (Scum faction) but town’s spy?

He didn’t even post the whole thing

I think kai lied about a neigbor.

maybe it wasn’t luxy that baited tho and it was whoever tried to bait luxy

dunno why they would, that doesn’t make sense