[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

No anime.

I’m defending Italy?

As far as I remember I was always saying to not let them to council, cause they are overtrying.
So kinda opposite.

And I’m still thinking about the answer tbh.

I literally said why it’s a world that I look at. We don’t know what Kind of abilities maf could have. Also at one point if you’re maf there’s no turning back from bussing your Buddy without it being sus. That’s why they interacted that much imo to get a reason to shift the read.

Also… it’s d1? What do you expect? I only list those I’m rather sure on. What’s the Purpose of listing everyone and say “well they are ± null. Don’t know where to put them yet lol.”?

You just have to pay your loyalty to romance novels

I don’t know what this means and it scares me

But can we stop fluffing thanks

I am being honest here, I feel l like Marshall might be mafia

I will let you be Batsuki
Which is totally not Natsuki because Natsuki is anime.

Why do you think that?

I am trying to find appreciators of REAL literature to invite to my club


Add me to it

You can be Catsuki

You didn’t pay your unwelding loyalty yet

In the previous game I played with him, he also had an act of trying to randomly pressure people and ultimately landed himself with saying things about claimvigging. At first I believed that may have been his meta, just trying really hard to find a player who is mafia. But then it was revealed he was mafia

He also spammed SoD with propaganda images which annoyed me

I may be from MU but mainly for the championship. My homecommunity is wolfia discord. Do YOU have a full hope/despair list Ready that you’re already sure on? I dare to doubt. Also I’d appreciate it if you stop making assumptions just because this is only my second mafia game on this site.

And what are your other reasons to suspect me again?

I just don’t think he would land himself in a position that haphazardly unless he knew he had a backup and that would be being a mafia

I’d love you to see if you can read Emilia/Merc/Ici and get to the same conclusions as me or different ones.

What were your conclusion s

I also believe he may have been voting on the same person for student president as another group of people. Not saying it’s wrong but it also looks fishy considering how early on it was