[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

It’s like a death sentence at that point

If so they’re coming off really competent and stuff.

Would say it would be hard for a newer player to keep this up assuming they aren’t lying about being new (Not accusing them of this, just noting it)

Shush, I will check scumchat later.

can I be historian?




TL is town, I think their pretty Trustworthy tbh

they seem way more confident than usual

(if you wanna metaread, they are in clown fiesta mafia and lord of the rings mafia)

we only call trustworthyliberal liberal here

Shurian town tbh

Imo one of you and Marshal.
There is no point in both of you being in, if you already have chat. That would make that chat useless.

You can however chose which of you imo.

marshal is going to run out of hearts to give


marshal is president

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im historyman

Marshal is bribing us with their heart.

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Then what would be the point of your neigborhood if you will have another one?

I would rather extend the exchange of information, not double it up.

Thanks, no thanks I don’t want in the initial council as a reminder.

The Joke
Your Head
Your Body
Your Legs
Your Feet

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TL temporarily didn’t have legs sorry guys

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