[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

I will put you a little bit below Nuclear after that whole messed

What are you running for?

Ultimately, next semester I am going to be flooded with work. I will be leaving school at around 7pm at the earliest.

lets put rehab as secretary

I wanna be HIST ree

Reminding self to go back and check the Italy stuff surrounding desperado

But from sounds of it they are greenpeeked by marshall because of that unless I’m mistaken?

Will read emilia

you can be historian
i want to be treasurer because the ET is kind of important, but my italian friends…

You are not, we are not doubling the information exchange.

i think you are better as a backup here.

sorry buddy, no spotlight here.

italy. dont focus on that

trust me

Marshal in just gonna copy pasta what you submit k?

yes ofc

so does this mean i’m getting to the council

Ill just literally copypast everything from both chats so derps is effectively on Student council

You are if we manage to rearangee stuff now.

Fine with me.

**/vote Italy Hist?

@Limestone Sorry for the long paragraphs and stuff, it’s just that I am tired of people thinking I have time during school weeks when I don’t. It’s an issue I faced in my previous game with people expecting me to post reads about the entire player base when I couldn’t even keep up with the amount of posting there was daily

Mashal president
Italy historian
rehab secretary

who’s treasurer here?

Oh. Me and marsbal can add one person who do we add

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