[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Orange just feels like so out of the game right now and when challenged with a any bit hard read he kind of just uses slank cover and dont feel like hard reading atm to his advantage. Has he given ANY reads other than NR who is so easily lhf atm. Not that i remember. I want him to step up. I get it you have other games but this feels odd

i don’t care much about the limestone vote.

i just want to see where the wagon goes.

first, i don’t think squid was historio at the time of adding +1 t so it wouldn’t take effect. 2nd, there is somewhat mech info pointing to squid being good.

Can you clarify the mech info indicating squid is good?

I have info to believe that Eevee and Kai are very likely town, so yeah I’m buddy with them

Going to doubt you’ve 2 greenchecks already.


U seem to have a shit ton of info, u had a italy check a squid check, and now this. Odd


I have info

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Kai and Eevee know what info that is

So you don’t need to trust me you pepega

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I mean I get double votes for SC positions

so either the lynch goes at the same time as the SC vote, meaning I just won outright, or it goes first, and we were tied in which case I assume it would rand

Also can someone like slap me to remember to do a actual h and d chart so i dont forget again

SC results before night end

night ends, SCs effects take place

Tell me, am I supposed to believe that squid is one of two reasons the hope counter is at 2

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@Marshal What’s the squid info that makes him mechanically cleared?


can’t say it but it might have to do with the hope counters

why? explain urself


Im not gonna join the narration, becoming a drama queen like Nuclear rn, (tho I kinda agree that lynching me and him day 2 sounds like bad idea)

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what can H and D stand for

I see, any other information that’s not related to hope counter?

hope and despair

he and di

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