[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Discussion of different economic systems to the cookie thread please




I’ve realized what it is that makes me want to lynch Nuclear_Rehab so much

I think I’m basically getting a Ladd Russo feeling out of dealing with them

What does this mean?

i get Hantz vibes from him and i deal with people who think they are the second coming of Hantz so i’m mostly writing that stuff off

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I don’t know what this means either

Russel Hantz, survivor s19 and s20. One of the best to never win imo

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Also I want to hear the full explanation of this, I feel like they haven’t really stood out much from the rest of the newbie crowd

Okay but when you say you get Hantz vibes from him what does that mean in game terms?

hantz was an asshole in s20 who nobody liked. Which is the reason he lost. I’m more used to cocky douches so i write that behavior off

he was robbed in samoa(spoilers but its been out for like 10 years)

oh yea he was robbed in samoa no question

but he was an immense douche(and his family is… cut from the same cloth)

Im a secret brandon hantz fanboy(don’t ask why) but the whole hantz fam is a yikes

my point
NR knows what he’s doing, just he’s sorta coming off as an asshole. I still think he’s town


So the thing you’re trying to say is ‘Nuclear is an asshole and that’s making people judge him with higher scrutiny’? or am I misinterpreting you

ita vero
it also makes people pre-disposed to scumread him as nobody wants to deal with assholes

he’s saying “hes being a douche, and i know the type, so it’s not scum indicative”