[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Can you post it?

Usually you’ll have a feel for it halfway through d1
About distancing, idk I suck at that

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My real classcard

I bsed to avoid anticlaim.

Also fake masons because derps obvtown and I didnt want him to be mispusbed

Unless he was LW?

Will never fail


ITAs better than this system I guess
I mean for future stuff

Imagine having a LW in a game with 11/39 scum

That’s actually relatively standard numbers

It was a good system but town should’ve actually submitted their lists

also probably scum lists should have been weighted differently in some fashion

Couldnt you be death immune if you put everyone into desp list

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I was also reeeeeeeealy considering dunking arete SoD2. Didn’t tell derps but I had a gut feeling.

Didn’t end up doing it because I’m dumb

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*checks I42*
*sees DRFM*
*sees that it is cancelled*
@eevee, does this mean that I literally subbed @Ryast in for nothing?
… >10% of all my games already consisted of Canned Games, Subbed Out, and Modkilled.

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I thought it had to be 50/50

But yes

I mean from a perspective that in order for this to be balanced you need to have 4/4 on kp so literally 8 kills per cycle

30% of my games I’ve subbed out of either willingly or to preserve the game integrity (host did it)

Town dont really control AA And other dont remember name lynch

Hey marshall did you received my message before the game was canned interested if you did what you reaction was to it

Town would’ve controlled AA if they’d actually bothered to have submitted lists

Scrum was more complicated, D2 scrum we spent a 1-shot ability on turning it into scum KP but on future days that wouldn’t have applied

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I thought wazza was makoto so I was confused

Also bottle messages don’t say the giver so yeah.

Theoretically Yes
Practically no
This is 40 player setup And on this Forum


I was null to the claim