[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]


it does nothing

Nothing but creating chaos I suppose.

I kinda want to host a Mountainous game over winter break

would people actually join :thinking:

also it would have minimum posting requirements, if that’s a plus or a minus


Okay but then I would have killed arete

It informed the target of my day action that they had received a gun

Theirs a queue

i’d be dead and unable to dunk.

if wisdom shot ici and i were alive i’d slam arerte

I would but at most it seems like 20 people are joining games atm so probably will fill

I am aware but there are separate-ish queues for vanilla and non-vanilla games as per the hosting guide

I think

It’s confusing

i’d play.

but make it mountainous with ITA’s

i wonder how ITA mountainous would work.

The plan was to immediately claimvig you at SoD3 although admittedly that might not have worked

Idk what a montanous game is tbh is it just vanilla?

it wouldn’t because he wasn’t a mason(and i think that’s what you were gonna vig him on)

it’s vanilla.

no power roles

What were you gonna vig me for lol


also maybe “you share a chat with me” but that’s not a claim

i made it sound like you couldn’t claim the masonry

Alice has in the past on occasion allowed vigging people on things that were not literally exactly word-for-word their class

not sure if she would have counted it or not

It wasn’t a mason at all