[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

I invited a person I chose as a day action to a neighborhood

but we… weren’t masons

Marshal could have been scum for all I know

we were just locktown to each other so we claimed masons because we baaaaaasicaly were

also because i wanted stuco pres and i used everything to get power

That’s what I was saying

we didn’t even share a hood until like 12 hours into D1

I’m aware

One could argue that claiming Masons is claiming a neighborhood and that much was true, though it might not have been specific enough

I kneW iT

that defenitely would not have been claimvig materiel.

Masons is different from neighborhood.


This was one of the quotes I submitted

like I said I don’t know if Alice would have counted it or not

and even claiming you share a neighborhood isn’t claimvig stuff.

claiming neighborizer however, is.


That may have counted as my passive maybe

Day abikity*

  • Leadership (Day) - You start off in a neighborhood. You can invite a player per day to it. - 2 uses

Where by ‘I’ I mean ‘Orange’

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I personally do not think it would as saying you share a chat is not claiming anything about your ability. even if your partner has nothing of the sorts and everyone knows you are the neighborizer

also yes shurian you were right about the masonry being fake

I think Derps’s ‘we share a private chat’ is equally as much a claim as Vul’s Drunk soft in LT

but I Am Not Alice