[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

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I can let people know Kai is lying about something

They sell protection in most supermarkets and pharmacies.

No need for us to send it to you.

Also, I wouldn’t mention stuff like that on forums if I was you.


i am a wishing dreaming god

i can fully claim all my abilities right now as anti claim doesn’t work on me

arete, you aren’t my mom
and i do believe i’ve made it clear before that threats don’t work on me

I wish for a peek of my choice

i’ve used my wish for the day already

I wish for all scum to request replace out.

nice meme

look in my ISO

the wish you granted was awful then, you decided to not wait or have any reads or the best wish

I’d kill you for that alone

I agree, who tf uses abilities early into day 1.

you see that wish was actually me becoming POTUS

expect a nuclear warhead at your location in 1 hour

I’m just going to ignore all of this until it becomes more relevant. If you ever killed me you’d just be claiming mafia with my flip. Town can’t kill me

anyways i’ve gotten what i may or may not need

thanks :slight_smile:

That person is my top scum, hard to beat that.

you just claimed that town can’t kill you
is everyone forgetting the claimvig

the claim vig isn’t town aligned

why would it be

the claimvig as it is right now can kill you if you claim one ability
for all intents and purposes, i’d expect passives to count