[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

So we’ve been talking to the zombie all day long.

Is Solic a wolf kill or a vig? That is the question.

I really do not want to use (I am new) as a debate,but because i am new to this,this is what i do D1 in ToL…I did usually nothing or trolling or making fun

Yes,since you two have simuliar reason and said ne i did nothing d1,so i do mix you two up together.

that means people who scumread you,since i am the second most suspicous as what orange said

I am also felling tired,i debated you for 3 hours… i need rest.(Braincell rip)

I really doubt it is a vig kill.

Why would a vig random yolo N1?

okay so basically @Solic your read was bad because the fact he reads everybody as village is NAI because a) villagereading shit tons of people is literally villagery when the reasons are good and b) he’s probably just being honest about the people he looked at

the rest of your read is just reading his meta as a wolf

because they’d have something called… a possible reason?

Wait does that mean we had 3 nks? Also… what if he tried to neighbourize a mafia member?

I’ve said before that you should fire vigilante shots whenever you get a chance, especially in mashes. Somebody might have finally listened.

it’s possible, but i don’t think Solic would masonise D1. Probably would be good to check his ISO for possible softs.


but there is no lynch in tol d1

Anyway, this reminds me that I do have to do NKA here, so let’s begin on our m a g i c a l j o u r n e y.

Oh my god
Solic’s a night death

ooooo interesting

Maybe. There’s Nothing that I would’ve taken at his Posting today that would make sense. Except he would’ve tried to distance from potential masonpartner Limestone but otherwise… Nothing that I can see.

Our Night Kills are Solic, Soulshade and PKR. Now… which one of these is the fucking wolf factional? None of them make sense whatsoever.

Killing off players that arent the most active narrowest the poe.
Killing Solic… is somewhat different.

  • Soulshade feels like a slank vig to me.
  • Solic is the most probable but his reads are terrible this game and presuming I’m not wrong (imagine me being wrong, that’s never happened before). If this is the wolf factional, then the two possibilities are
    1. Solic’s reads are accurate despite the fact that his reasons are bad.
    1. They fear he’ll be right later, and it’s a kind of SPK.
  • Either way, I think we can conclude that if Solic is the wolf kill, then the wolves probably have a lot of slankers on their team. Feels very much like a Level 1/2 nightkill.
  • PKR is not an answer. He is just another question.
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Now with Solic’s flip it makes sense as to why he wanted to be treasurer.

Okay so far we had… 3 KP(1 kinda invest of them as well), 1 purely invest, 1 Neighbourizer/bank

Either that
Or they are lulwolves who
“Aha, discobot, go!”

Why would the wolves kill PKR? I think we should at least consider the possibility.