[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

does this thread feel like a lolwolves thread to you? I said earlier I felt that the thread was being controlled, which I think reduces the possibility of the second explanation for a solic kill.

I forgot how scummy all of this dude’s post are

I find it hard to believe at least one of the chats isn’t scum aligned. Paranoia from a very certain game.

And no, it doesnt feel like one. I’m not following it enough though.

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I personally do see Arete being scummy… probably because of my gut, but I’ve got my own tools to do things to Arete.

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Look, the thread tempo is all kinds of wrong, I think we can all agree, and it’s not just because of the student council. The night kills are weird, and absolutely everything is just… wrong.

I hate to say it, but maybe the possibility is as simple as “the highest poster is a wolf”. But while Emilia is posting a shit ton, she’s not really the heart and soul of the thread.

Who else is left?

solic’s the next highest, but he’s a flipped villager

Lol she ded anyway
Also Kai just went in and bloated his way in
Why is that?
Oh yes, he’s Kai

oh also marshal but we all know why he can’t be a wolf

I didnt expect Solic to flip Masonizer though.


Confirming Marshal is 1 thing
Didnt Marsh say he was masons with Derps or something

tell me when marshall enters the thread pls

Good you’re here
Hi and welcome to this wonderful game where people have already died and no red peeps have flipped yet

May I know your current number of coins?

and all the next highest posters are people i villageread, which the exception of Nuclear_Rehab
which means one of those reads is probably incorrect, given how likely it is there’s a highposting wolf

What’s the votecount on Emilia’s Argument Armament?

Coins don’t matter with my class.

I don’t need to state this.

Probably 10 people? I dunno

I think Ici is claiming wolf with this post BTW

Let’s just say, yesterday I gambled my own life and gained an additional 10 monocoins.

Hey but it does with mine
Please help me