[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Also you will all RUE the day you decided to not elect me.

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Exactly, this is a bigger setup so I am obviously not going to catch up with everything

Leaving that aside, he’s almost certainly the wolf nightkill, so what I’m hearing is that this makes it singificantly more likely there’s a highposting wolf, because I don’t see many other reasons to kill Solic unless he’s stealing threadspace from wolves.

bigger setup=more activity from ppl usually smaller setups like for example cursed images have very low activity (partly also due to being vanilla) even tho they go longer you also see same when mashes top poster are way more active per day than in FoL

I’ve also realised that 35 =/= to the amount of deaths I am aware of.
One moment.

Kai abilities are not cool

Let’s see

That’s a new one.

Well that just solidifies Marshal’s claim even more.

That’s a new one as well.

Highly doubt Solic was a wolf or town nightkill, most likely attempted to mason a deepwolf that they townread and died for it.

kyo, solic absolutely did not masonise D1
i just don’t see it making sense in his personality

You’d want to mason D1

  • Gives you a safety net if you’re a lynch target
  • Allows open communication with another town
  • Clears a town to you
  • Gives you utility

you do realise you’re not supposed to fucking masonise a person you think is a villager, right?
this is rule one of masonisation

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you keep it as if it was a hider peek for D3, and I think Solic is smart enough to do that

He didnt mason im p sure.

Okay, and that goes against my argument why?
That just reverses the ‘he masoned a townread’ to ‘he masoned a scumread’
Hence, just find them scum in his scumreads instead of town?

Mason Orange

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yes but kyo, there’s one problem
solic would soft that kind of thing
and read his ISO. he didn’t soft anything

Softs don’t have to be obvious.
That’s exactly why I read his ISO when I found that ability and found nothing.
I pointed it out so people can give their thoughts.

Kyo, why the fuck would you make a non-obvious soft when the soft is intended for use after death?

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So then if you do happen to masonize a town member and get killed by wolves overnight they don’t push that town member for being the masonry target?

Rule 1 never soft

Solic has no gaurentee that we’ll figure it out. I’ve seen him soft things before. He’s very, very obvious, almost deliberately.