[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]



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There are a lot of possibilities of how they could know the target.
Even if he didn’t mention the target in a soft, they’d most likely have other abilities to find that out as well.

And why would they know to use that when solic was accidentally killed halfway through the day thanks to ane error?

Kyo, Solic did not Masonise anybody. He died to the wolf nightkill.

This post feels TMI because of how stretching it is

The fact is that solic would’ve softed the use of the ability yesterday, and he didn’t, so the only possible conclusion is that he did not masonise anybody. He dosen’t make sense as a vig, so logically he’s the wolf nightkill, and as I’ve reasoned, he was probably partially killed for having vaguely threatening reads, but more accurately because he’s the top poster who isn’t very commonly read wolf (incorrectly imo but whatever) or probably angeled, and they need to get rid of any topposter who challenges their ability to control the agenda.

I stated before that the scum may have picked up on his soft, proceeded to nightkill him and then pushed his masonry target. You’ve said before Solic is obvious with his softs, so it isn’t out of the possibility range.
I’m also saying that he could have mentioned his masonry target in the soft so then if he did die then town could find the scum in it.


These possibilities are why I asked for other people’s thoughts.
To determine whether or not Solic died via that or not, because it’d directly lead to the nightkill.

It’s not, I blanked and thought the compass and tracking abilities would find it.
WHich is why the above post just doesn’t mention any of that in my points.

yeah, and then we didn’t notice their soft but the wolves did, sure.
the wolves are just as stupid as we are, you do realise?

And that’s exactly what I’ve been saying, what I’ve been looking for, and what I haven’t found.

We have people like eevee studying cryptography.
Why don’t they have the potential to find that out?

It is a day ability

Exactly why I mind blanked and disregarded that all together.
I realised that they wouldn’t find that via compass and tracking abilities.

Cryptography is very different than softing

Because we’re getting into reach-y territory here. If you want to find a super secret special soft that is somehow obvious that we’ve missed but the wolves haven’t, sure, go ahead, but don’t throw random theorisation at the wall and see what sticks.

It’s useless and honestly kinda wolfy.

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Cryptography involves deciphering.
We don’t know these people, and people from MU are here.
They are in a much bigger league than us.
I’m bound to miss things.

I will continue to do that.
I still believe that the post that Arete made D1 solves their alignment but we aren’t good enough to find it out.

on MU they don’t bother with stupid fucking softs because they don’t do mechanical games, because really softing is bullshit and isn’t really something that shoulde be done by anybody who isn’t a hider so they turn into an Oracle

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like seriously, Kyo. Why bother playing Devil’s Advocate to the point where the wolves have to be super secret mega-geniuses and we all have to be idiots who couldn’t spot an obvious fucking soft? It’s silly.

Also, what the fuck does the Arete post have to do with ANY of this, when Solic is a dead, flipped, villager? And why the fuck would you think that the wolves somehow nightkilled solic, figured out the soft, and started pusing the villager he chose? Because I mean… the wolves do know everybody’s allignments discounting lost wolves, you do realise?

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