[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

i do not think his soft should have been accepted at all IMO


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Actually when I posted that me and marshal were technically not in a chat yet

My passive was “occupation immune” and my second night ability was a single use teleport. Other than that i was basically a roleblocker who could become a jailkeep super late game lol. Feel very UP.

inb4 one or more TP stopped Wisdom’s hero shot on Ici

I was a supervig. The only thing that could’ve made me even worse would be claimvig immunity.
Then I would be the bringer of devastation
or even worse, my passive triggering on any faction attacks

Thats why I was kinda like
“This doesnt feel right, that’s not the truth”

I had submitted the ability but I don’t think it had been processed at the tone

i was a 1(maybe 2)-use dayvig(which i wasted d1) who also could make someone anticlaim immune(which i didn’t have a good idea of who to use it on(ended on arete), and knew i should use my abils before my eventual n2 death.

You know that whole “Unstoppable claimvig” thing?
If my passive affected scum too, it would be very stoppable

@Arete i would sign for a vanilla game in a heartbeat fyi


Why didn’t you make me immune reeeeee

because it was a night abil nerd

you were dead before night

It was a night ability silly

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I was the Anti-Marl Upupupu

Can we remove alice’s permission to create anti-claim mechanics

Anyways if the claimvig shot hadn’t worked my first resort would have been to suggest that the person in question had survived due to a scum healer

whether this would have worked or not would probably have depended on various factors

I submitted to add Eevee to my char D2 at SoD. They were added after they were lynched


Arete was scum too?

My gut said yes to him too!

Arete was obvious why did nobody else see this i’m going to die inside