[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Italy for president

squid for hist(my idea btw)
Split between me and kyo, but leaning kyo, on prez.
Treasurer is between solic and pilica i beleive. I say solic(even disregarding eevee’s check)
secretary… is a mess.

I knew you were reactiontesting, that means i’m probably good :eyes:

Gimme secretary, I have decent enough reads to make something out of it.

Altho nothing rolewise really combines with any of those roles.

I don’t want Kyo to be president, I want him to be the second-highest vote getter for president, because I think if he’s town this’ll make wolves too scared to actually run for student council positions

Also he said he’d vote for me if I voted for him :eyes:

So I think there are two plans for town.

Every player buys a track n1 and n2. Use them.

Or to save til n3 and we can all buy the “Emperor Thong” so the mafia isn’t able to claimvig anyone. Allowing all of town to claim d4 and soft lock the game.

> solving by claims in an alice closed setup


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eevee and hippo who should i strongman desperado dayvig?

imagine wanting to win as town in an alice setup

/vote Marshal president

/vote Solic treasurer

/vote Squid historian

/vote eevee secretary

That team looks good and able to use position more or less to full.

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Noone rn, not worth you dying over random d1 early shot.

Would wait bit more into day.

If you haven’t noticed, i’m still kinda angry about LT

Emperor’s Thong is limited to 1 per day

I would still very much like to be in the Counsel. Many reasons, but mainly you should know I am town and very active so electing me will help town 100%.


You can shoot someone running for the council, to clear/kill them.
That’s not that stupid.

Ah okay, thanks for reminding me of this.

Then the tracks are 100% the option in my opinion.

Desperado shooting student council president candidate sounds like a good move.

Giving more power to confirmed town, or eliminating town from getting more power is always a good move.

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Historian would be equally helpful since it seems that Counters will be taking a big role in this game.

or eliminating scum*

obvious error is obvious.

I disagree with this person. Not sure if I am missing the joke about shooting town.