[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Wait, so you would rather desperado shoot someone random?

Desperado shots don’t kill town apparently.

Also I misread part of my rolecard so in fact I am not targeting @Marshal or @Emilia with my day ability

I’m still targeting @Solic

That’s why shooting council candidate is way more useful than shooting someone random.

Confirms town as town and let’s them get more power


Eliminates scum from getting more power

I’m rather convinced that the President candidates aren’t evil, or at least don’t have the claimvigger, because marshal still hasn’t been obliterated

My ability finally worked

I don’t feel like shooting Squid, maybe treasurer candidate tho?

i’d prefer the shot not be wasted on me


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That’s why I said to preferably save it for later, but if it has to be now, it would be good to confirm someone in council.

Seriously this post is setting off ALL MY RADARS SIMULTANEOUSLY

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perhaps if you look up, you might find something :upside_down_face:

I think shooting Squid is very much the best play from your perspective. So much information from defending/promoting that person to be a counsel member. It’s weird that you don’t want to shoot that person, but youre all for shooting a president candidate.

i will say my abil has a chance to malfunction

i should have said this earlier but it’s 50%-(hope counter x5) + (despair counter x5)

which turns the kill from desperado to dayvig

Not necessarly president.

But yeah, I don’t think Squid is evil, them applying for position is townie in itself, and they came up very pure when asking for it, in opostion to for example Kyo who is going full out propganda with pictures and stuff.

All in all, I would rather shoot someone scummy and overtrying over someone who seemed to have pure intentions.

So … a 50 percent chance, at the moment

that’s kinda not good so hold on