[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

from that perspective i find both c’s in the same year harder than apush

I am going to be last poster and none of you can stop me because I have the better time zone

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Well i have an english paper to do so im staying up for a good 3 hours.

Two AP classes?

Yes lol, phys c mech and phys c e&m in the same school year, one each semester

This is not only a bad idea to have this tab open but I also have reason to tell you to close it from an objective perspective

jesus christ


He’s saying that taking the AP Physics C: Mechanics and AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism classes simultaneously would be harder than doing APUSH

It is possible this is true but on the other hand it’s two classes so I’m not sure if it counts

Imagine your “standout attributes” being that you are semi decent at theater, have above average SAT scores (1420), and have semi decent grades (3.8 weighted)

I took those classes dual enrollment during my senior year of high school, one in fall and one in spring
About 80% of the college credits I earned before finishing high school were dual enrollment
So my perspective probably isn’t great

You should know the UC’s only give a shit about your soph/junior gpa

oh and eagle scout but that’s not extremely out of the ordinary

Well that does help

Becoming an eagle scout isn’t easy

I’m trying to get into Notre Dame - Wake Forest range

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what happened ti the hot potato?

Eevee manually turned it off

did you apply early action anywhere?
Early action apps were due at the start of this month

Notre Dame
EDII for Wake Forest later

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I am really good at writing essays