[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

It’s fine as everyone is a VT.

But with some people as VT and some as PR, it feels like everyone tries less as VT

the only issue with mountainous i have is that it can feel like a slog

Yeah you had the magnus read down.

I kinda just pushed slankers and replacements until game end :frowning:
It was my newbie game

you ever want to me rehost black flag just ask i can find time

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though i might simply host it every summer, like an annual game lmao

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I’d be down if I’m here next summer

I think it’s the opposite sometimes where a Cop literally doesn’t try at all to do something, because they’re just getting checks.

Although your scenario kinda came true in this one game… it had bodyguards, I was one, and Luxy was Overmind or something. Assassin in the Palace like… don’t remember the name.

Aaah it was Triangle Mafia:


Just thought to say that I’m not always scum :stuck_out_tongue: But I’m glad you can’t read me, I guess? Though wish it was always townread, not always scumread.


just scumread everyone


cant let wolves into the town core if there is town core


just curious, but what’s my meta

some ppl think they can read my meta perfectly apparently so im expecting some juicy reads

(yes you know who you are :eyes:)

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Good luck with the hope-despair lists.


You’re more proactive and involved in games as town.


Basically, I read you on engagement.

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eh, depends on how active others are and if my role can actually help me do anything

i feel like i gotta at least think i can do something bc if im vanilla townie then that’s just boring since my reads probably suck and it makes me fee worthless

Just don’t tell players there are VTs before the rand 4head

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I’m just gonna RNG my hope and despair lists every night

bound to get them right :^)

It’s role madness, but the roles will be more focused on niches rather than being JOAT-y like before.

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I heard someone say VTs and instinct activated

I’m not good at it, but I like playing scum better :’^}