[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

Sorry I forgot about caipirinhas since I’m -18 but they are also a cultural cuisine millestone

Wait, we’re confirming?

This is the sun climate right?

Food is here cya. Smellsssss good! :partying_face:


Squiddo be as confused as me

basically rice and beans in our cuisine are the ants of the bug world
I shit you not we eat that every lunch every day

That was fucking good.

what did you eat Reaperboy

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I’m excited

now youre not


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I guess I can do the confirm… if I’m supposed to do it?

You’re all liars.


what did you eat REEEEEEEEEEEEE

I already told you, but I can’t quote on mobile.

other than the national-wide ones there are some interesting local iguaries
a LOT of them in the northwest (where it is very hot) since it had more interaction with Africa due to being colozined by more time

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but in Parana (where you are going) there is a terere/chimarrao
which is water filtered by hierba mate leaves
TOTALLY not similar to tea

terere is the cold water version and chimarrao the hot water one

Witte a book and replace my lonely planet. :earth_americas: