[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

thanks for not thinking I’m LHF

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Also my club plans are ruined by it apparently only being open on saturday and I already booked a flight somewhere else for saturday morning.

Atm in some healthy restaurant waiting for my food. Excitement.

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Whatcha ordered?

Something pasta. It had cashews and I like cashews.

/puppet Solic to mislynch Merc

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which restaurant?


16 November
Today’s 15
Gosh damn u guys LOL I’ll come back when there’s a new main thread

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@solic have you eaten rice with beans
you are not in brazil if you didn’t do rice with beans

Merc, you’re scum I feel it in my bones.

/vote Mercenary



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Noted. Does it have a special name?

For the record I haven’t.

I have had Polish, German, Thai and Italian food, because who needs local cuisine. :man_shrugging:

Merc’s Iso here displays a number of similarities to her play in Mafia Academy, such as the disproportionate amount of non-game-related posts. Furthermore, as town she tends to be more oriented towards solving, whereas here she’s been shadethrowing Solic for no reason by insulting his understanding of the climate, which is clearly intended to discredit his reasoning skills. For these reasons, I think she’s a good push for today.

/vote Merc

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brazil checklist:

  • pastel

  • tapioca

  • açai

  • rice and beans

  • image

we call it “rice and beans”

Also I got drunk on caipiranhas. That’s cultural enough right?

…I should probably stop making jokes about this, if I actually do rand scum with Solic and not Merc I want to keep my mislynch options open.

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Ohhh I had the acai which was all kinds of weird, because I expected milkshake.