[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

I personally improved by adapting my play from Math and trying to avoid being illogical at all costs

MS (now Mafia Colosseum) was great for this since about half of their players are great

going back to this, I think the two things I need to improve is getting a voice and presence when scum, an learning to drop reads in mylo, cause way to many times it screws me over

Yeah just don’t make lynch orders you basically handed me the win and I didn’t have to try


I ended up replacing into a slot and felt very confident that I knew who the wolves were, but I didn’t have internet access for the next two days

Also can I say don’t try and meta read me this game because it nevers works: I actively try to change my playstyle each game.

Luxy doesn’t change their play style each game

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I’m gonna try to use this game to improve my playstle

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Like, here there isn’t much exposure to higher level wolves. The higher level wolves here are Math/Ici/Geyde/Firekitten/Me.

Firekitten mostly plays offsite.
Math hasn’t had the time to play recently due to IRL issues.
Geyde is mostly doing hosting.
I’m basically on and off here.
And Ici doesn’t play as much as he used to.

This basically allows you all to either halfway us or just mechanically solve our slots as lately we never have two or more people here playing together due to aforementioned reasons.

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They have no conviction as scum whatsoever.

thats reasonable, but not everytime someone has time to read 2,000 posts and thats reasonable, and Id rather see them post a bit than not post at all cause they spent all their free time just to catch up. Like I hate myself cause ill literally go late to school cuz im to busy reading this stuff. Reading 2,000 messages is a time sink that not everyone has. I do hate people who just refuse to read at all, but those that are willing but are delaying due to wanting to give some opinions I can deal with

Am also interested in evaluations of my skill/advice on how to improve :eyes:

yes, I know I’m really bad

You’ve developed quite fast imo


Always look at new ways to read people and try to incorporate that into your toolbox
Be confident and push with the expectation of not being right all the time

Reevaluating is the best town skill anyone can have

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Sometimes as town I am not genuine and do things that might be shady to get townread.

Like sometimes I’ll read the thread, but still react to reactiontests in the towniest way possible.

It’s not right, but I’ll do it occasionally

Biggest thing is just be confident and explain yourself, go through things slowly and deliberate. Thats when you shine the most. Proper reasoning with evidence and your golden pony boy

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Trying to get townread is a downfall that scum can and will exploit

Yeah it’s not a good style.

That’s why I am trying to change it.

I don’t play as much any more due to anxiety
I try in the games I play but I fear playing sometimes, if you know what I mean


Literally be yourself and your towniess should be natural enough for people to pick up on

Yes, I get this is coming from an very good player
I just wanted to get it off my chest