[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

99% they’re joking.

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They might have been talking about flavor?


Idk why but it happened

I didnt expect you to start the game this early

I’m like 70% sure Eevee set them up to that.

no need to wolf solic
game hasn’t started yet


reads underlines to see if this is a lostwolf


I kinda like my role actually

Aahhhh the conspiracy is growing.

@Alice lock?

Nani Nani?

impatient solic lol

My confidence that this is a setup is now 60%

how s travel going solic

It’s raining again


Every day is rain day my dude

Check wolfchat, your role is posted there :upside_down_face:

I’m thinking we go for a Merc push on D1, she’s not LHF but I do think she’s mislynchable

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it’s spring in a tropical place