[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

Get more MU players on here

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I am fine if they are not here… This is a nice community as is anyway.
Anything works I guess.

(Just enough to read Alice)

But Alice is the host.
For once we don’t need Alice to be read.

/gladiate Alice

Yes but what if they want to stay

Then that is lovely. If they want to come and stay they can.
But I do not know how I feel right now.

Personally, I’m happy to welcome new community members, regardless of their community of origin. It’s not like a few MU’ers joining is going to permanently warp the character of the forum overnight.

The butterfly effect says otherwise, but personally I wouldn’t care, it would be great for the community imo.

oh my god I had a heart attack I thought I posted in an active game thread


It’s nice even more so if they know the flavor cause that’s even better but I don’t think trying to just find people just so we have 48 is necessary.

It’s not necessary, but it feels needed just like how phones feel needed.

Fair am good either way could ask a friend if they wanna join but think it might be to chaotic for them (Yes they know dangan well from a danganronpa community)

That is if we want to get all the way to 48 and Alice is okay with that

I feel like it’s an alright idea to get others to join but a bit unnecessary.
If you have a friend who would want to in though then that’s cool!
Just no need to invite people who a totally different community (MU) to here.

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Why are you against this? It’s good to raise the skill level of this community so we can all get better.


The reasoning has been explained in PM to you.
I am sure some people already know why.

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I think clashing communities would be a horrible idea as well.

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I disagree. The more the merrier, I’d say. And I doubt you’d get many in one go anyways.

It’s probably better to get some back-ups than more slots in my opinion though. There is bound to be at least one replacement with this many players.


laughs in Role Madness 3