[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

You guys aren’t allowed to talk me up like this I’m going to heavily disappoint as soon as we start


The guy who came up with the serial killer ploy? I wouldn’t dream as such!

With what ploy? :eyes:


Oh yeah that was fun

I got outed as scum by an rng invest ability (like psychic from ToS) so I decided to claim sk as mafia because my site has a history of letting SKs live for a bit as long as they kill who they’re told to

I also told my mafia to hard bus me to get credit when I flipped mafia

It didn’t uh, actually work, we lost pretty fast and I’m pretty sure I didn’t even come up with it (I think firekitten did actually)


I, uh, really wouldn’t worry too much about this in your position, from what I’ve heard.



I didn’t

Could have sworn you did

Maybe I’m thinking about the pirate ship

Wait no I was thinking of a TOS forum game where I claimed neutral and it actually did work

Which got thought up by someone else in that one

It was the pirate ship

pirate ship was a great idea executed poorly though

No it was hilarious

Wait what was your pfp when you were doing that

So how does this work? Early bird gets the worm? Special phase to discuss who gets it?
Also: Will you add a 1.0 * 10^(-10) (i.e. 0.00000001%) chance of spawning the Escape Button?

Well you’re too late then. I had Fossil and Evil_Ginger come from my homeforum.


people having multiquote discussions over the mechanics and I haven’t even read through them all yet

Yeah… It’s fairly long. You might read them during your free time.

What was Pirate Ship, ideally in more detail than ‘an FM on MU’?

Yep, for the Monomono Machine it’s first-come first-serve.


It’s not even an fm it’s like

it wasn’t even a gambit how do I describe this

Good to know. I will definitely not use it then.

  1. What about the Escape Button?
  2. Will the Ultimate Lucky Student get a bonus or something?