[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

Glass basically started talking like a pirate and established this pirate ship he claimed was a town core

Glass was scum and like 4/5 of the people on the ship were his scummates

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but it was fun

My role was also captain

What do you means executed poorly how do you improve this

Don’t forget the winter modifier

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  1. Nope, the items given by it here are just day/night actions. You’ll be told what you get once I process the exchange.

  2. Role card-related info. Can’t talk about it.

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Instead of focusing on adding in as many scum people as possible, I should have focused more on which part of the town I should have added. For example, Moth was more obvious town then Mreevee was, however I added Eevee due to them being inexperienced, when I should have proabbly added moth.

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Moth probably would have been extremely confused

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Wait was he even in that game

Aw… Kinda too bad, but okay.
I was honestly hoping for it to happen though, since:

  1. The odds of obtaining it is literally greater than 1 in a 100 million.
  2. It’s a nice reference to Danganronpa IF.

:slightly_smiling_face: Nice to hear that. Hopefully it won’t be me though. I want any role that is unpopular.

Also I should have focused more on getting each scum person to do something extremely townie, so I can establish it easier, rather then giving mediocre reasons for adding them in

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But yeah 10/10 would do again was fun

Hey FK. You know what to do in this game, yes?

Oh yeah I remember

I should do that gambit when I’m town just to mindfuck with them lmao

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have fun

He was my neibour

Not asking you, but sure.

It is actually full already, right? With sulit.