[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

I’m strongly tempted.

I tried out MU once and then I realized the pace was far too quick. I could never keep up.

One thing that’s keeping me from /inning is that I can’t understand the mechanics yet. I will probably have to re-read them at home.

Alice get marl from mu to play here

Basically, after d1 there will be 3 lynches per day with each of them having a special mechanic behind them.

One’s a gladiate that will allow anyone to gladiate a widely scumread player, while the other one’s basically a FoL-like trial where 8 people are selected as jurors for it.

This’d be impossible. Marl had a spat with Xblade and now he told me he’s never returning.



I didn’t take much convincing, did I?


/30 wtf lol

He was seen last August wut

I have no idea how people have the time/motivation to stay on top of all games over there.

Did you try the 36/12s?

The 12/12s do have hellish timing, though.

I don’t remember the timing of the one game I played. I don’t think it was a 12/12, actually. It wasn’t a mash, I think it just had vanilla roles.

Maybe I’ll try MU again after I finish school.

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Also, the fact I’m horrible at reads makes it a little difficult to play there. :joy:

Though I guess I could use that argument for any FM site.

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At least you try, tbh.


Yeah, if i would, i would try my damnest to convince Marl back, but i know hes pissed, so i understand his decision.

Also, this could do more than 30, due to there being 48 characters total (Not including Monokids and shit)

It’s funny because there was a period of time when my reads were godlike. A very short period of time.
Take a look at Memesky’s Mountainous from around a year ago to see what I mean.

I don’t know what happened. :joy:

Honestly, me

Meta changes, plus people have more experince, plus everyone has a NAI meta, so reading from tone and motivation is harder than before.