[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

Her profile says she was seen 4 hours ago

guys lurking doesn’t equal gone wtf guys

Bruh, join the game, people keep leaving

Oh wait… Ignore I said that :sweat_smile:

Yes, the game will still roll on-time. I was just busy, but now my schedule is back to normal.


Back /in dont hurt me

I play/host 1 game to preserve my sanity

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Descend into insanity with me.

I’m just waiting for the final playerlist to be posted.
I need it… for reasons.

Not long to go until this begins.

are you selecting who you are going to tunnel

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For us UK folk. Game’s rolling on the 17th at 1 AM. (8PM EST + 5 hrs = 1 AM GMT the following day)

@Alice when’s the final playerlist gonna be locked in? I would assume that would be in advance. And are cards gonna be sent in advance so that game starts at 1 AM GMT? Or is it just gonna be sent and then we wait for confirmations before everything?

Nah. Of course not… I never select that in advance.
I just pick scum and yeet em out… if I do well.
Meh, it’s just general reasons. No need to worry Hjackoff.

PKR gets Retributionist again

If this character gets Retributionist, I call shenanigans.
Flavour can help work out role.

Characters should just get rerolled before game starts imo.

@Alice serious suggestion

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Second this

Also @Alice check ur dc dms

Bruh, please no.
If mine gets rerolled I’m gonna be sad.
Due to my character I’ve been hyping the start of this game so much.
If it suddenly changes I’m gonna feel a bit deflated.

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Have things been rolled I’m confused