[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

It was a mix of hydras and non-hydras as Eevee saw fit

Also there was the secret unannounced 4-headed Mafia hydra


Shurian, Datbird, Merc, and Maxi were all in a hydra, and also Mafia

Merc could die; the others, if they died, would take the entire hydra down with them

They had a single vote that actually had an impact, but whoever wasn’t controlling the vote that mattered could place votes that appeared to count for another player, but were silently worth zero

Which they mostly used for heads of the secret hydra that died if any of its members did to bus other heads of the secret hydra that died if any of its members did

Oh… Vulgard and I were Katniss from the Hunger Games trilogy




The rest of the Mafia classcards are in Mafia discord but the currently posted invite link to that discord has expired.

The rest of the Town classcards have yet to be shared by their owners, but I guess you could ask for them if you’d like. It’s not customary for all classcards to be posted upon the end of the game in closed setups.

We were Mikan Tsumiki, our flavor made a lot of sense with our role

Post the switch picture on Reddit and let Reddit solve the mystery.

Imagine how different this game would have been if Vulsquid had randomly chosen to visit Astand on N2


In hindsight we severely underutilized Maxwell’s role

In particular, we could have made Derps claim his actual target and had Maxwell target the same person, and probably avoided a mislynch

@DatBird @astand @MaximusPrime @Mercenary @Shurian @PokemonKidRyan
Can one of you give us an updated invite link to mafia academy mafia discord so we can get the other two mafia classcards from there? Please make sure to edit this link so that it doesn’t expire this time (the first one posted on the mafia academy thread has expired).

@Arete @PoisonedSquid If you are comfortable posting your full mafia academy classcard, please do so.

@any other town from mafia academy as well
for reference sake

if only I hadn’t switched off of healing Simon 2 hours before EoN

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He was poisoned
What were you thinking lmao

He wasn’t poisoned, is the thing, and we knew he couldn’t be realpoisoned because if he were realpoisoned the game would have autoresolved

He was fake poisoned. Arete was real poisoned.


They will tell him to buy carbon monoxide detector.

I left the server.

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