[FM] Day one mafia - Town and The Exiled win!

give them an additional effect like knowing the class of a certain person they choose when he self banishes because i like giving scum tiny buffs

class flip is unreliable tho

I meam, upon “death” the assassin can choose someone else to become the assassin, no?

Therefore they wont be able to lock it?

disguiser and amnesiac seems to be the most fun imo


Upon the next cycle, all classes go back to what they were before

oh is everyone alerted when the amne decides to transform into something btw?

That only happens when assassin is banished. If I make it so someone else becomes assassin when the assassin is lynched, then when the assassin revives there would be 2 assassins.

All classes could go back to the start of the cycle, unless a banish happens.

Because upon a death of one of the time keepers, they go into another cycle, if I am wrong. Without the time keeper but the other dead ones are alive.

That would work, but I think it might be a little confusing since they would change their classes multiple times.
Its not even guaranteed that a lockdown will happen, I just wanted to add a way to stop it in case it does.

Nope. No one will know when they transform, and even if the forgotten transforms he will flip as the forgotten if killed or lynched.

So are we gonna wait till it fills up or start now and just remove 2 rt’s?

@Shurian what do you think of this passive for the assassin instead of the suicide ability?

Plan B (Passive) - If you are dead at the beginning of the night, one member of the Mafia may use the “Assassinate” ability in your place.


Lets see what others think, should we wait or start?

  • Start the game with the current players
  • Wait until it fills

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I’ll /join this.


If Shurian joins I think it’s a full game

Also if assassin self banishes, let the mafia know the class of a random person if there’s town. Otherwise only tell them that they’re neutral.

(Scum buffs = good cause I think I’m gonna roll scum for once)

@Shurian hey you
join dis

I changed the self banish for another passive that serves the same purpose.

Ah, then we wont have to feel bad about lynching you

Bet I won’t use this in an accusation against you once we roll this game :wink: