[FM] Day one mafia - Town and The Exiled win!

Plus I have other plans on manipulating the mafia.

then don’t vote me up :man_facepalming:

inb4 shurian is disguiser

Unfortunately, voting you up is part of the plan. Don’t question me. :3

I wouldn’t go Celeste mode if I were Mafia, have you seen my evil games? :3

i would prefer not to be lynched thank you very much

Fuck acting town when I’m town, time to make things go to hell.

Nah Maxi I don’t think you’ll be lynched.

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i’ve only been here for about 4 months and i haven’t seen any games(or remember) where you were scum except SFoL 20 and that didn’t count since you only lived for a day after i converted you.

why does this not work for me ;-;

(cough Whammerist and Marl cough)

/vote max

All my evils were one day lives and I made it hell for them to find out lul.

now i have to act “respectable” so i don’t get blacklisted fm other games -_-


no dayvig for you >:(

(pls get on so i can sandwich you more)

You can blame Nozzy :3

Also I am a very big fan of this strategy. Uhh… what was it called again?

(I cant make the fancy looking VC :confused: )

|PoisonedSquid - MtheJoker|1/8|
|Memesky - PoisonedSquid, |1/8|
|HTM - Marluxion, CaptainNerbins, Shurian, 3/8|
|MaximusPrime - HTM, Firekitten, Hippo, Celeste |4/8|

Yes. You’ll see.


I rather /vote htm instead now.


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i’ll teach you how if you convince the others to not vote me up

I just realised random lynching isnt the way.

Vote me up instead. I doubt the Mafia would actually use their one and only emergency disguise on the first day.