[FM] Day one mafia - Town and The Exiled win!

The yolo banisher strikes again

flies away on cape


Stop trying to steal credit hippo >:(

God speed, you magnificent bastard. May you sacrifice yourself for leprechauns for years to come.
The savior of neuts and the neut savior.


Time Warden is better than Time Mage

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Luddite Riots!

I’m going to sleep now.

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If anyone wants me to kill/revenge someone let me know

Sure kill maximus or firekitten :wink:

heckin destroyed gj hippo

it is safe to assume the copycat is now the assassin which should help a lot with confirming ppl via night actions.

Just a fyi i cant remember assassin

holy shit good job banishing Sam

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Yeah guys I clearly was the one who banished Sam.

Seee? /s

I am willing to be lynched again (Disguiser cant target dead person u see.)

Also. Mind if Hippo Imma give you some nice little charges?

First of all

we should see what his keeper class is

What is a keeper class?

like is he Time Mage, Time Jailor or Time Warden

Naw he clamed noot noot and I like him