[FM] Day one mafia - Town and The Exiled win!

No proof it wasnt :wink:

So im uhhh just gonna get attacked tonight but :woman_shrugging:

@Nerbins @MaximusPrime @PoisonedSquid
Which one of you three is a mystic?


If time keepers claim can’t we just exe the last person?

Errr marl…

Should I say something or nah

According to Joker, another mystic linked him. Orange didn’t he said.

Wait how do u know that, i never told u

I’m proven butler.

Proven, how? What have you done?

Blocked Orange.

He occupied me N1 I think and orange was occupied


@MaximusPrime @PoisonedSquid Claim. I want both of yours immediately. Which one of you is the mystic?

and by immediately, i really mean at like your earliest convenience since this is a forum game and all



Im 95% sure that the guy linked Joker


Its an immediate link
