[FM] Day one mafia - Town and The Exiled win!

Is Hanzo Broken???

  • Yes
  • No
  • Who’s that

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Whose Hanzo??

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A new Pokemon in the upcoming game

We totally won’t get banned lol

idm hanzo. He’s better than mccree in like every way.

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I was really upset at being blacklisted

:sob: feelsbad


sad litten association is sad

Oh he’s a dude in overwatch I’m pretty sure

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but what about THE GANJU

imma be honest I spent like 80% of my games in mayhem mode, permanently sleeping people as ana untill they rage quit

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No he’s a Pokemon

Trust me :wink:

Oh my, so Satan does exist


I’ll help make it

it was so fun lol

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If you can add a new hero what hero would it be called and what would it abilites be.

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Why did you delete it?

:sob: I’m crying a lot today for some reason



We must keep our secrets

Here have a cookie :cookie:

K :wink: I can’t get on right now but I think we need a mod to purge

You do it. I’m scared

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