[FM] Day one mafia - Town and The Exiled win!

Night will end in 12 hours from this post


Day 1, Cycle 6 has started! PoisonedSquid is no longer dead!


/vote posionedsquid
get back in the grave buckaroo

Shouldn’t we banish him instead?

Shurian, my abilities aren’t back.

If we hang Squid he gets locked btw.
@orangeandblack5 who did you link last night?
@Nerbins you occupied maximus last night?

Again, I had no occupies.

1 Like
Accused Voters Count
PoisonedSquid Marluxion,MtheJoker,CaptainNerbins 3/6

I’ve used my ability on Squid
If we hang him he is banished

/Vote Squid

/vote Squiddo

@Pug banish Maximus tonight
@Firelitten protect me

/hang squid

I used disco

/Vote Squid

If squid is banished shouldn’t we win?

Accused Voters Count
PoisonedSquid Marluxion, MtheJoker, CaptainNerbins, Hippolytus, Firekitten 5/6

World record? POGGERS

What did you do last night?

There’s another one.

Why would you time lock a corpse?!

Confess, Squiddy.