[FM] Day one mafia - Town and The Exiled win!

So you like mislynches, huh? It’s what I do best

They arent check classcard

They legit say nothing about being unique :wink:

Voted Voters Count/Majority
Max Nerbins, Firekitten, htm 3/7
Squid Marl, Celeste 2/7

Eh, you’ll come back. We can’t risk losing a healer and having the other be fake


Tbh I would be fine with Maximus dying but im scared of getting timelocked cuz I would get modkilled so god damn fast


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Explain, Celeste :thinking:

We can’t risk you being fake tho so let’s hang the squiddo

No proof on classcards ,)

Im the fakest of fakes! I’ll eventually get a heal off and confirm myself

Okee dokee.
/vote Squid

/Vote Squid

Voted Voters Count/Majority
Max Firekitten 1/7
Squid Marl, Celeste, nerbins, joker, htm 5/7

/vote squid btw @MaximusPrime if your townie you would want to end it quick so vote squiddy

Bold it boyyo.


So what I’m hearing is vote Squid

Lemme just do that oh wait

Anyways we have two healer claims

They both heal Marl ez

/vote squiddy


@Firelitten hammer squiddo

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