[FM] Day one mafia - Town and The Exiled win!

ohnoes this is confirmed scum lul lynch shu quick

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Ha ha joking sorry shurian had to xD it was too funny not to miss out

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Huh? Wut

Oh fish.

Disguiser would be the one to hammer. Mmmm…

Bai guys. Class now

Alrite cool make sure to fail exams

/vote Shurian

I’m here now who are we lynching

No one ever tells me shit and I’m sad

Voted Voters Count/Majority
Firekitten MtheJoker, CaptainNerbins 2/8
Memesky Shurian 1/8
Shurian Orange, Firekitten, Marluxion, Celeste_Ludenberg, Hippolytus, htm, poisonedsquid 7/8


Shall I hammer Shurian guys?

She’s in the middle of class, but I don’t think she claimed a class to us

Discuss before I hammer.

Scummy quick hammer incoming!!


I have no clue what’s going on

Sowwy. My logs are everything.

/vote Shurian

You can’t self vote

Actually, you can in this game